CD Projakt Red appreciates support for Cyberpunk 2077

Many we already know the disaster that was Cyberpunk 2077 almost two years ago, something that users punished in the form of criticism and reimbursements in the different digital stores, either PC or consoles. However, the arrival of the new anime series and the constant updates, gave the game a second air, and the developer thanks those who are playing.


In a recent update, specifically 1.6, the title of CD Project Red F UE improved in current generation consoles, with fewer bugs to find and a much better performance. That effort was rewarded in active players, and thus, the director of Missions of the game, Panel Sask , thanked fans for the second chance.

Thank you very much Schools for this second chance

It is worth mentioning that these updates are not the latest for the game, since it is planned The city without being seen. This was announced through a certain event that stipulates more life for the game, something than CD Project Red fans will thanks.

Remember that the title is available in PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC.


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