Elizabeth played Cult of the Lamb and that's what she thinks

Cult of the Lamb

Developer : Massive Monster

Editor : Devolver Digital

Price : About $ 33.49

Life : approximately 15 to 20 hours

Platforms : Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Mac, PC

Release date : August 11, 2022

Classification : teen (blood, violence)

Cult of the Lamb Best A game developed by Massive Monster which features a lamb which

will have to create a cult with the effigy of a deity when she saves him from death when he came

to be sacrificed. Throughout its quest, the lamb will meet that they are new

Followers that merciless animals trying to counter the prophecy.

The universe of the game is populated by both cute little creatures and horrible monsters

who want you bad. The game therefore merges a childish style with a similar-horror style. the

player has several possibilities: he can go on an adventure to find new followers and

Fight enemies, or stay in worship to take care of the followers.

Take care of worship

Taking care of worship is not just about performing rituals and pronouncing the sermon,

But also to feed the followers, clean the territory and punish the rebels. To do this, we

Can either sermn them every day or put them in prison or simply sacrifice them.

After all, you decide !!!

Go on an adventure

You can also go on an adventure. At the beginning of a quest, we offer you a spell

And a weapon, which you can equip and use to defend yourself. During your quest, you

will face monsters, meet merchants, recruit followers and progress

in history. We can return several times to the same territory, which will grow and change

Everytime. If you die during a quest, you will just be redirected to the one

Who awaits, your divinity, who will redirect you himself to your worship.

a fairly simple handling

Game controls are quite easy to understand and in case of doubt, all tutorials are

Available in the Options menu. New powers and events are also explained by

Ratau, your first ally.

At the visual level, the game is very colorful, with a slightly cartoon style. The soundtrack is

That it is very immersive. The style of the characters is very interesting, as much the followers

than enemies. The fact that we can personalize followers is also an asset,

Since you can choose your appearance and name.

Even if this does not constitute an asset of the game, the trailers also give a very

Good taste of the game, and are very interesting to watch. Indeed, game designers

offer us some small animations to watch in order to present their game as it is


Unfortunately, the game does not only have strengths. Indeed, during the quests, the large

majority of spaces are populated by monsters, so you easily lose life. Also, the

worship management can become difficult as followers join it and we cannot

Not choose which follower will betray us, so it can be our favorite.

In short, Cult of the Lamb is an indie game which we must definitely play. If you like this type of game you have no excuse for acquiring it.

_ Text of Elizabeth Cadieux-Pépin _


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+ Immersive sound frame

+ Lots of personalization (followers)

+ Easy to understand

+ Very interesting character design (Cartoon-simili horror)

-The monsters so we lose life easily

-O: worship can become difficult


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