Platinumgames has a new CEO

Knight NATO , P Resident and CEO of Platinum games, has resigned this position after five years and eight months in the position, and will be replaced by the current director of the study and vice president, At sushi India , who has been with the Japanese developer for 15 years.

Despite this, NATO will follow forward within PlatinumGames as an advisor to the Board of Directors. For the part of him, India published an extensive communiqué where he reiterates his commitment to the study and promises to continue with the incredible legacy of the company. Here an extract from this statement:

Games come in all kinds of styles for all kinds of people. Naturally, they are an authentic expression of freedom: they are thoughts that come together to create an idea, to expand it, and eventually, play it. Video games are enjoyed thanks to the freedom that is given to their creators and the players-that's why I consider them an incredible form of entertainment.

Having a fun approach with complete sincerity has always been important to me. I think each of our employees feel proud of him, always get that perfect balance between games and professionalism.

To create a new game, your creator must first enjoy him himself. The creator is then building about that same idea until they have something that can communicate that feeling of fun to anyone who experienced it-that consideration towards the user makes all the difference.

Our goal by publishing our own games has not changed since our conception: Invent something new and share it with the rest of the world-showing our sincerity towards creation every step of the way.

NieR:Automata Currently, Platinum games is very busy working on Bayonet ta 3 , which could debut this year. While we wait for your eventual launch, you can know what they said in this article.

Editor's note: I'm not very familiar with the work of Lord India, but after working on the company for the last 15 years, I think it's easy to assume that Platinum games was in good hands. The following projects of the study should reflect how effective this change was in the leadership.


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